Monday, July 11, 2016

Chronicle: Runescape Legends

Recently launched since 27/5, the Chronicle: Runescape Legends has become one of the online game cards free super hot around the world. Similar to the HearthStone, Chronicle: RuneScape Legends is also a trading card game based on the world of a game, if World of Warcraft HearthStone is the Chronicle: RuneScape RuneScape is Legends. A more general point is that both games are cross-platform operating on the air as PC, Mobile, Tablet ...
Chronicle: RuneScape Legends bring gamers to a world entirely different post card game in both graphics and gameplay. According to which players will enjoy the unique features such as a self generated adventures of themselves, perform duties and demonstrates to the whole world sees the power of yourself. Earn to die 5
In terms of graphics, up to the present moment most of the card game dare against blockbuster title: Heroes of Warcraft Hearthstone failed in terms of image when not giving the impression to be addictive but simple nhự colours such as Blizzard's Super. Meanwhile if comparing equals, you can confirm the background 3D graphics of the Chronicle: RuneScape Legends has turned it into one of those rare post card game has background image pass the Hearthstone. Earn to die 6
The whole character, images, location, as well as the whole world in the game are taken from RuneScape, MMORPG game legends was released in 2001. Clear the investment effort made the image also brings greater advantage for this game, when the player recognize the characters they've sank several years ago, rather than pale like many other dining card game.
See more: Chronicles of elyria


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